Condition values
For most comparison operations for where or value filters you have to provide a value and its type/kind. The one exception to this is the kind of operator where you have to provide a specific type/kind and no value.
Specifying a value
The value editor as part of a filter is a simplified version of the value editor for entires. There are certain types of values that require special handling and there are certain limitations of what can be entered.
Type/Kind | Notes |
String | Entered as normal. |
Number | Number including -Infinity , Infinity and NaN |
BigInt | Integer number (e.g. 123456789 ) |
Boolean | Select true or false from dropdown |
Undefined | Readonly undefined |
Null | Readonly null |
Array | Enter as JSON string array (e.g. ["a","b"] ) |
Map | Enter as JSON string array of key/values (e.g. [["key", "value"]] ) |
Set | Enter as JSON string array (e.g. ["a","b"] ) |
JSON | A POJO entered as a JSON string (e.g. {"a":"b"} ) |
RegExp | Entered as a regular expression string literal (e.g. /[0-9]+/ ) |
Date | Entered as an ISO formatted date/time |
KvU64 | Integer number (e.g. 123456789 ) |
ArrayBuffer | Entered as a base64 URL encoded byte array |
DataView | Entered as a base64 URL encoded byte array |
Int8Array | Entered as a base64 URL encoded byte array |
Uint8Array | Entered as a base64 URL encoded byte array |
Uint8ClampedArray | Entered as a base64 URL encoded byte array |
Int16Array | Entered as a base64 URL encoded byte array |
Uint16Array | Entered as a base64 URL encoded byte array |
Int32Array | Entered as a base64 URL encoded byte array |
Uint32Array | Entered as a base64 URL encoded byte array |
Float32Array | Entered as a base64 URL encoded byte array |
Float64Array | Entered as a base64 URL encoded byte array |
BigInt64Array | Entered as a base64 URL encoded byte array |
BigUint64Array | Entered as a base64 URL encoded byte array |
Currently while Deno KV supports storing errors in the store, outside of the kind of operator, there is no other way to make a comparison.
Specific values types
When selecting certain operations, the value type will be forced:
Operation | Forced Type |
contains | Array |
in | Array |
not in | Array |
matches | RegExp |
kind of | Selection of kinds |