
When performing a where or value condition, an operation needs to be supplied.

When an operator is selected with the exception of the kind of operator, a comparison value type and value must be supplied. For more on how these work, see the Condition values section.

There are several operations that can be performed:

Operation Description Notes
< less than Follows standard Javascript comparisons of values
<= less than or equal Follows standard Javascript comparisons of values
== equals Performs deep equality
!= doesn't equal Performs deep inequality
>= greater than or equal Follows standard Javascript comparisons of values
> greater than Follows standard Javascript comparisons of values
contains an array contains a value Value must be an array, does not work on other iterables
contains any an array contains any of an array of values The provided value must be an array in JSON notation
in the value matches on of the supplied array of values The provided value must be an array in JSON notation
not in the value does not match any of the supplied array of values The provided value must be an array in JSON notation
matches the string value matches the regular expression The provided value must be in the format of the Javascript RegEx literal (e.g. /^test/)
kind of the value is of the specified kind See below for details on how this operator works

kind of operator

The kind of operator is used to compare the kind of the target value to the selected kind. The kind of operator is designed to classify values in the form of the unique types that Deno KV supports storing, which are those types supported by structured clone. You can consider it a combination of the typeof operator and the instanceof operator. For values that are typeof "object" all other cloneable object types are eliminated leaving what would be considered a POJO.

The different kinds supported are:

Kind Description
bigint Equivalent of typeof value === "bigint"
boolean Equivalent of typeof value === "boolean"
number Equivalent of typeof value === "number"
string Equivalent of typeof value === "string"
undefined Equivalent of typeof value === "undefined"
null Equivalent of value === null
object When typeof === "object" and all other cloneable types are eliminated
Array Equivalent of Array.isArray(value)
Map Equivalent of value instanceof Map
Set Equivalent of value instanceof Set
RegExp Equivalent of value instanceof RegExp
Date Equivalent of value instanceof Date
KvU64 Equivalent of value instanceof Deno.KvU64
ArrayBuffer Equivalent of value instanceof ArrayBuffer
DataView Equivalent of value instanceof DataView
Int8Array Equivalent of value instanceof Int8Array
Uint8Array Equivalent of value instanceof Uint8Array
Uint8ClampedArray Equivalent of value instanceof Uint8ClampedArray
Int16Array Equivalent of value instanceof Int16Array
Uint16Array Equivalent of value instanceof Uint16Array
Int32Array Equivalent of value instanceof Int32Array
Uint32Array Equivalent of value instanceof Uint32Array
Float32Array Equivalent of value instanceof Float32Array
Float64Array Equivalent of value instanceof Float64Array
BigInt64Array Equivalent of value instanceof BigInt64Array
BigUint64Array Equivalent of value instanceof BigUint64Array
Error When value instanceof Error and all other cloneable error types have been eliminated
EvalError Equivalent of value instanceof EvalError
RangeError Equivalent of value instanceof RangeError
ReferenceError Equivalent of value instanceof ReferenceError
SyntaxError Equivalent of value instanceof SyntaxError
TypeError Equivalent of value instanceof TypeError
URIError Equivalent of value instanceof URIError