Getting started

kview is a web application that requires a Deno runtime server and is built with the Fresh web application framework. This server gives you access to any local Deno KV datastores as well as the ability to connect to remote KV datastores on Deno KV or other remote Deno KV servers.


kview requires a recent version of the Deno runtime. If you do not have the current version of the Deno Runtime installed, on MacOS and Linux perform the following command in the terminal:

curl -fsSL | sh

On Windows:

irm | iex


To install the latest version of kview, run the following command with the Deno runtime:

deno run -A -r

You will be prompted for what directory directory to install to, which will default to kview. Once chosen, the necessary local files will be copied into the install directory.


To start, ensure the install directory is your current directory and then run the following command in the terminal:

deno task start

This will start the Fresh server and the URL of the server will be logged to the console:

Task start deno run -A --unstable-kv main.ts

 🍋 Fresh ready 
    Local: http://localhost:8000/

Main Page

Navigating to the main page once starting the server will provide an initial page like the following:

screenshot of initial home page for kview

Next Steps

kview supports viewing several different types of Deno KV stores:

The following sections provide general information about interacting with stores:

kview also supports the following functionality: