Your user interface to Deno KV

View, edit, add, delete, watch, import and export your Deno KV data be it local or remote.

Get started
deno run -A -r

Full featured access to your data

kview focuses on providing a rich interface into Deno KV stores, locally or remote.


Ability to see Deno KV entries in all their forms, including complex types like Uint8Arrays and Error instances.


Work with blobs, via kv-toolbox, unlocking arbitrarily size typed arrays, Blobs, and Files.

Add and Update

Update complex entry values like Date or RegExp and arbitrary objects, including the ability to ensure transactional consistency.


Delete individual entries or in bulk.


Monitor changes of entry values in real time.

Import and Export

Bulk importing and exporting to flat files, make it possible to store offline and transfer your data.

kview leverages kv-toolbox

A toolbox for Deno KV.

Check out kv-toolbox